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How Many Minutes to Midnight?

James Carroll Tom Dispatach
In the upcoming season of presidential politics, the nuclear question belongs at the top of every candidate’s agenda. It belongs at the center of every forum and at the heart of every voter’s decision.

Private Mossad for Hire

Adam Entous & Ronan Farrow The New Yorker
Inside an effort to influence American elections, starting with one small-town race.

How Measles Hacks the Body—and Harms its Victims for Years

Megan Molteni Wired
If only there were some way to safely traverse life without fear of walking into one of those hyper-virulent nebulosities ... Oh wait. That’d be a vaccine that’s been shown to be safe and effective by health authorities.

The All-White Media Oligopoly and the False Promise of a Press for All

Aaron Miguel Cantú The Baffler
A chart showing the monopolization of the media.
The segregated mainstream media is a force of interlocking interests invested in sustaining the existing racial hierarchy. Trump’s racist administration hasn’t just been good for Fox and Breitbart; it has also boosted media profits across the board.

A Green New Deal for Housing

Daniel Aldana Cohen Jacobin
A Green New Deal can’t deliver economic or environmental justice without tackling the housing crisis. We should go big and build 10 million beautiful, public, no-carbon homes over the next 10 years.

Lessons from the FBI’s Secret War on Activism

Michael Steven Smith The Indypendent
The FBI had played its role as the “political police of the national government,” Noam Chomsky wrote and the government maintained to the bitter end that it had a right to undermine an organization just because of its ideas.