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The Cities Refugees Saved

Tanvi Misra CityLab
In the cities where the most refugees per capita were settled since 2005, newcomers helped stem or reverse population loss. Donald Trump lowered the maximum number of refugees it takes in for the third year in a row—to 30,000, lowest in three decade

Could Trump Really Launch a War With Iran?

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Of course, if the United States and/or Israel join in, Iran will be hard pressed. But as belligerent as Bolton and the Israeli government are toward Iran, would they initiate or join a war? But we should take neocons like Bolton at their word.

Global Left Midweek - February 6, 2019

Labor: Europeans Talk Strategy, Canadians Oppose Venezuela Coup Threat. Streets: Yellow Vests, Sudan, Russia. Jungle: Ecuador's Indigenous. And a New Appreciation of Rosa