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How Federal Workers Could Fight the Shutdown

Ben Beckett, Ryan Haney Jacobin
Federal workers have dealt with low pay, degraded working conditions, and repeated employer lockouts. If they want to improve their conditions, they’ll have to organize.

National Grid Union Workers OK Contract, Ending Lockout

Katie Johnston The Boston Globe
Labor experts see the contract as a win for workers, especially considering the hard line National Grid took — locking out employees and cutting off their health insurance in an attempt to reduce their benefits.

18 Highlights of BDS Impact in 2018

Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
images from BDS campaigns such entertainment and sports
Here are 18 highlights of direct and indirect BDS impact from 2018. We celebrate the extraordinary strides that the BDS movement for Palestinian rights has made with your support. We are exposing Israel’s crimes and apartheid policies...

Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

Ellen Brown The Web of Debt Blog
The pros and cons of a UBI are hotly debated and have been discussed elsewhere. The point here is to show that it could actually be funded year after year without driving up taxes or prices.

The Revolt in the Trenches

Jana Tsoneva Jacobin
One year after the Bolsheviks ended Russia’s participation in World War I, revolutionary soldiers in Bulgaria forced their government to do the same.