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The Exaggerated Death of American Socialism

Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones Portside
It turns out that socialism has been a major theme in American discourse. This essay is based on The American Left: Its Impact on Politics and Society since 1900 (Edinburgh University Press)

Wendell Berry’s Right Kind of Farming

Gracy Olmstead New York Times
Agricultural choices must be made by these inescapable standards: the ecological health of the farm and the economic health of the farmer.

Two-State Hypocrisy

Mohamed Mohamed The Electronic Intifada
Zionist youth demonstration
One might ask, what is the problem with a two-state solution, if it will lead to peace between Palestinians and Israelis?

About Last Night: How HBCU Students are Addressing Sexual Assault on Campus

Kyla Wright, Amos Jackson, Evette Dionne, Eryn Ashleigh Mathewson
Last year, student protests at some HCBUs aimed to highlight inadequacies in the way sexual assault and rape cases are handled. Students at HCBUs tend to under report sexual violence and they’re often not included in national conversations about it.

Migrant Children Moved Under Cover of Darkness to a Texas Tent City

Caitlin Dickerson New York Times
These midnight voyages are playing out across the country, as the federal government struggles to find room for more than 13,000 detained migrant children — the largest population ever — whose numbers have increased more than fivefold since last year