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How the F.B.I. Will Investigate the Kavanaugh Accusations

Adam Goldman and Rebecca R. Ruiz The New York Times
It is not clear how far the F.B.I. will go in pursuing questions related to the accusations like the extent of Judge Kavanaugh’s drinking in high school and college.

Radical Municipalism and Tech

Fully Automated Luxury Communism Newsletter Fully Automated Luxury Communism Newsletter
What we thus need is a strong discussion in how local governments, particularly in cities, can influence technology in a progressive direction.

Using Marx’s Capital as an Organizing Tool

Ingo Schmidt Socialist Project
The point of an activist reading of Capital is not to figure out what Marx ‘really’ wanted to say but to use the text as a platform to explore the worlds in which activists now live, work and struggle.

Europe, China and Russia Move to Sidestep US Sanctions on Iran

Patrick Wintour The Guardian
The European Union, India, China and Russia are challenging the US effort to try to impose new Iran sanctions, pointing out that in reality it is the US, by tearing up the nuclear agreement, that is in breach of UN resolutions.