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Koch Brothers Are Killing Public Transit Projects

Hiroko Tabuchi New York Times
At the heart of their effort is a network of activists who use a sophisticated data service built by the Kochs, called i360, that helps them identify and rally voters who are inclined to their worldview.

The Trump Cult

Ed Simon History News Network
In that regard, there is a common characteristic between Miller’s followers waiting for the world to end and Trump’s followers seeing him “Make America Great Again,” holding to their faith regardless of all evidence to the contrary.

Democrats are Losing Their Fear of AIPAC and Haim Saban

Philip Weiss Mondoweiss
Trump’s embrace of Netanyahu has opened the door for formerly-silent Democrats to be critical of Israel. “There’s a willingness to look at Israel’s actions that maybe wasn’t possible when Obama was president.”

Friday Nite Videos | June 22, 2018

The Little Girls Blocking President Donald Trump. Battle Hymn of the Republic - Modified for Relevance. Separated From Her Mother at the Border, a Six-Year-Old Finds Her Own Way. Who is Stephen Miller? CEOs Profiting From Immigrant Detention.

Here’s the Real Science Behind Jurassic World

Joshua A. Krisch Vocativ
Can we clone dinosaurs? Would ankylosaurus smack down an Indominus Rex? Were pteranodons always scarier than Hitchcock’s birds? What the heck was a Mosasaur, and can I have one?

Preventing Crimes Against Humanity in the US

Nadia Rubaii and Max Pensky The Conversation
When warehousing children in cages and tent cities is justified as deterrence, the question of crimes against humanity is more than academic. It is a deliberate effort to dehumanize and polarize, and an intimation of what may come next.

Tidbits - June 21, 2018 - Reader Comments: Trump's Kidnapping and Resistance; Albert Einstein and Racism; Nicaragua and the Left; Study Medicine in Cuba; First Black-Led Union; How Christians Destroyed the Ancient World; Barbara Hillman; and more

Reader Comments: Trump's Kidnapping, Concentration Camps and Resistance; Albert Einstein and Racism; Nicaragua and the Left; Study Medicine in Cuba; First Black-Led Union; How Christians Destroyed the Ancient World; Barbara Hillman; and more