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Tidbits - May 24, 2018 - Reader Comments: Thoughts and Prayers Don't Work; Kelly Clarkson Speaks Out; Working Families Party; PA Machine Candidates Defeated; Mideast War Danger; Junot Diaz; Palestine; Mapping The Resistance; more...

Reader Comments: Thoughts and Prayers Don't Work; Kelly Clarkson Speaks Out; Junot Diaz, Working Families Party; PA Machine Candidates Defeated; Mideast War Danger; Korean War History; Palestine; Mapping The Resistance: Insurgence and Polarization; Memorial Day, more...

Nine Stops on a Long Road: One Jew’s Journey

Judith Mahoney Pasternak Tikkun
I am the Jewish teenager who wore the Star of David to make sure everyone knew she was a Jew. I am my mother, who taught her children that no one is free unless everyone is free... For all those Jews, for Israeli Jews, for Palestinians, and for the world, I am the anti-Zionist Jew.

Why Are So Many Democrats Afraid of Impeachment?

John Nichols The Nation
Party leaders need to make clear that impeachment is always valid when there is evidence of presidential wrongdoing, cover-ups, and corruption of justice. Openly discussing the impeachment power, and clearly stating when and how it must be applied, puts the president on notice.

Trump’s Iran Sanctions Are an Obvious Prelude to War

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Maybe Trump really thinks sanctions will produce a "better" Iran deal. More likely, they're designed to justify conflict - an unwinnable conflict that will destabilize the Middle East and the world’s economy, and pour more of this country’s resources into yet another quagmire.

We Could Not Do Otherwise

Abby Zimet Common Dreams
"Our apologies, good friends, for the fracture of good order, the burning of paper instead of children, the angering of the orderlies in the front parlor of the charnel house. We could not, so help us God, do otherwise.” -- Remembering the Catonsville 9.

Was Kevin Cooper Framed for Murder?

Nicholas Kristof with Jessia Ma and Stuart A. Thompson New York Times
This is the story of a broken justice system. It appears that an innocent man was framed by sheriff’s deputies and is on death row in part because of dishonest cops, sensational media coverage and flawed political leaders.

‘No Cop Academy’ Protesters Disrupt City Council Committee Meeting

Fran Spielman Chicago SunTimes
“Over 500 people we surveyed in West Garfield Park said they do not want this cop academy,” said Monica Trinidad, one of the demonstrators. “There are way more resources of need in their community. They want jobs. They want mental health clinics. They want public schools."