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Diseases of Despair

Chris Hedges Truthdig
A loss of income causes more than financial distress. It severs, as the sociologist Émile Durkheim pointed out, the vital social bonds that give us meaning.

Conditions Worsen for ICE Detainees Following Hunger Strike

Robin Urevich Capital & Main
Conditions at Adelanto Detention Center, a privately operated prison currently used to detain undocumented immigrants, are said to be grim. Nine detainees, all of whom came to the U.S. seeking asylum, were so fed up that they staged a hunger strike. Guards responded with violence and pepper spray.

“Stand With Reality” Campaign

Rachel Jackson Stand With Reality Campaign
Reality's trial is set for October 23, 2017. She’s currently facing 10 years in prison for sharing an NSA report with the media about how foreign agents attempted to hack US election systems leading up to the 2016 Presidential elections. For attempting to hold officials accountable to these facts, she’s now facing the wrath of Trump’s Justice Department.

Capitalist Economies Create Waste, Not Social Value

Chris Williams and Fred Magdoff Monthly Review
What would a truly just, equal and ecologically sustainable future look like? Why would it require a change in our economic system, namely the end of capitalism? Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams answer these questions in Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation, showing the immense levels of waste created by capitalism today, including by the prison-industrial complex, food system and housing in the United States and wasteful US military.

Rightwing Alliance Plots Assault to 'Defund and Defang' America's Unions

Ed Pilkington The Guardian
It ain't about negotiating union collective bargaining agreements and resolving grievances any more (Actually, militant unions never were about such goals!)! Conservative campaign aims to strike ‘mortal blow’ on government unions. This is ‘A once-in-a-lifetime chance to reverse the failed policies of the American left’.

Massachusetts Executed Two Italian Immigrants 90 Years Ago: Why The Global Fallout Still Matters

Moshik Temkin The Conversation
For many people in 1927 and after, the two men were victims of a deep-seated fear of immigrants. For others, they were criminals and terrorists who benefited from a worldwide campaign led by people who despised America and its institutions.Today, the United States is engaged in a bitter struggle between these same two views, with the xenophobic forces currently in political power, especially in the White House.

Behind Fascist Balbo Monument, a History of Multiracial Resistance

Curtis Black Chicago Reporter
A Chicago Tribune feature story last week mentioned in passing “mainstream supporters” of Italian fascism in 1930s Chicago; indeed, Chicago Mayor Edward Kelly appears to have been an enthusiastic fan of Mussolini. But we should also remember the courageous anti-fascist organizing in Chicago at the time by Italian Americans and African Americans, who drew explicit connections between the fascist ideology being celebrated and the racist and repressive system existing here

Dirty Laundry: An Investigation

Annie Hylton Dissent
Thousands of laundry workers—largely African-American or immigrant women—labor in hot, crowded, and often dangerous or toxic conditions to clean the linens used by millions. And it is these workers who endure the consequences of an industry plagued by poor working conditions, exploitation, and abuse.