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Reading "Politics in a Time of Crisis" - A View from the Left

Duane Campbell Democratic Left
Podemos has created a new form of struggle based in large part on the ideas of people working in the tradition of Gramsci. Iglesias argued that as the broad mass of people were not engaging in politics through the existing parties, the left had to go where the people were. This was a war of ideology and of position.

Rigged, Forced into Debt, Worked Past Exhaustion, Left with Nothing

Brett Murphy USA Today
A yearlong investigation by the USA TODAY Network found that port trucking companies in southern California have spent the past decade forcing drivers to finance their own trucks by taking on debt they could not afford. Companies then used that debt as leverage to extract forced labor and trap drivers in jobs that left them destitute.

Philando Castile Verdict a Painful Result of Laws Rigged to Protect Cops

Shaun King New York Daily News
According to American case law, if cops believe their life is in danger, it does not matter if it truly is or isn't, all they have to do is believe it. The decades old cases of Tennessee v Garner and Graham v Connor both shaped for future juries what police could and could not get away with.

A Powerful, Disturbing History of Residential Segregation in America

David Oshinsky New York Times
As Richard Rothstein contends in “The Color of Law,” a powerful and disturbing history of residential segregation in America, the government at all levels and in all branches abetted this injustice. “We have created a caste system in this country, with African-Americans kept exploited and geographically separate by racially explicit government policies,” he writes. “Although most of these policies are now off the books, they have never been remedied . . .

The Pittsburgh Fairy Tale

Patrick Vitale Jacobin
Pittsburgh's much-touted revival has remade the region for the wealthy while leaving workers and the poor behind.

Campaign for Guaranteed Healthcare for a healthcare week of action June 24-July1.

The Labor Campaign for Single-Payer The Labor Campaign for Single-Payer
The numbers don’t lie. The costs of our for-profit healthcare system are an anchor around the neck of America’s working families. It is simply unsustainable. Medicare for All would give us the healthcare that we need through an equitable public financing system that will ensure that everyone pays their fair share. It will provide an economic stimulus for businesses and workers alike.