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Capital, Crisis, and Corbyn

Michael Roberts Jacobin
The results of the UK election are a disaster for the British ruling class. The UK economy is set to enter a period of stagnation at best. The OECD’s economists are already forecasting that the UK economy will slow down to just 1% next year as Brexit bites.

Ebony Pushes Black journalists' Patience to the Limit

Adeshina Emmanuel Columbia Journalism Review
A lot of Black people love Ebony. But love only goes so far for the journalists who make it happen, especially when the object of your affection is slow to cut you a check. Start by paying your damn journalists.

A Cautious Examination of the New Alliance Against Qatar

Richard Falk Global Justice in the 21st Century
It is too early to provide a reliable analysis of the Persian Gulf crisis sparked by the abrupt decision of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies to break diplomatic and economic relations with Qatar. There are too many actors, conflicts, mixed and hidden motives and contradictions at play. Yet, one can clearly assert that it has nothing to do with strengthening the anti-ISIS, anti-extremist coalition of Arab forces, and that it is directed as much at Iran as Qatar.

The Blueprint

Rónán Burtenshaw, Max Shanly Jacobin
Labour’s manifesto offers a vision to radically improve the lives of millions. This article has a link to the Labour Party manifesto.

Sunday’s French Election

Richard Greeman The Bullet
Macron is also pledged to another anti-worker ‘reform’: the downgrading of France's wonderful post-WWII Social Security system which includes healthcare, unemployment insurance, retirement, minimum survival income, housing subsidies and welfare for the poor.

Why Corbyn Won

Bhaskar Sunkara Jacobin
I don't care if he didn't actually win — he won. Jeremy Corbyn has given us a blueprint to follow for years to come.