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A Flying Public Finally Erupts

Sam Pizzigati
Airlines make much more on premium seats than on seats in coach. Their goal: make coach seating unpleasant enough to keep the enormously lucrative premium seats filled. For this scheme to work, the inequality involved has to be clearly visible. Coach passengers need to know that passengers upfront are luxuriating while they, cramped and hungry, sit and stew.

The Level of Support for Jean-Luc Mélenchon is Frightening the Powerful

by Henry Crapo L'Humanite
Rising rapidly in the polls, the candidate of ``France Insoumise" has become the main target for defeat by his opponents. The right-wing press is unleashed, and the head of state mingles his voice in the refrain ``Liberalism or Apocalypse", which seeks to discredit any alternative policy.

A New Agenda in Jackson, Mississippi

Sarah Jaffe The Baffler: Interviews for Resistance
If we can change the conditions in Mississippi, right here in the belly of the beast, that speaks to what we can achieve across the globe.

Why Do Ivy League Schools Get Tax Breaks? How The Richest US Colleges Get Richer

By David Sirota and Josh Keefe International Business Times
Despite the tax breaks and the flood of cash to Wall Street, many of the universities that benefit from the subsidies have refused to use their additional endowment resources to expand enrollment, admit more low-income students or lower their tuition rates.

The South Has Risen Again

Daniel Graff Labor and Working Class History Association
Over 150 years ago Abraham Lincoln warned northerners that southern slaveowners and their advocates hoped to do more than expand slavery westward — they would settle for nothing less than making “the peculiar institution” no longer peculiar by legalizing it throughout the whole country. Thankfully, chattel slavery was vanquished in the Civil War, but today we find ourselves awakening again to the reality of our country being “southernized"...

Earth Day, The Climate Agreement and March for Science

Kathleen Rogers Common Dreams
This year, Earth Day will once again serve as a vehicle for mobilization when, in addition to turning out a billion people and celebrating the First Anniversary of the Climate Agreement, the world will march for science.

NY Unions Push for State ‘Medicare for All’ System

Steven Wishnia LaborPress
“We’ve never been this close,” Assemblymember Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan), the bill’s sponsor, told LaborPress in early April. “That’s amazing.”More than 40 unions and labor groups have endorsed the bill.