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Trump Wants to Hand $54 Billion More to One of the World's Biggest Drivers of Climate Catastrophe

Sarah Lazare AlterNet
The U.S. military is a key climate polluter, likely the “largest organizational user of petroleum in the world,” according to a congressional report released in December 2012. Beyond its immediate carbon footprint—which is difficult to measure—the U.S. military has placed countless countries under the thumb of western oil giants. Social movements have long sounded the alarm over the link between U.S.-led militarism and climate change.

Trump vs. the Resistance: Taking Stock 75 Days In

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
Scaffolding for an assessment of the correlation of forces after the battles from Trump's inauguration through the GOP's failure to repeal Obamacare, and what the next year may hold in store. Note added April 7: This piece was finalized just before Trump's air strike in Syria. For updates on that extremely dangerous escalation, see the links added to the paragraph terming this "an aggressively militarist, war presidency" below.

A Huge Mining Conglomerate Wanted to Poison This Country’s Water. After a Long Fight, They’ve Finally Lost.

Pedro Cabezas Foreign Policy in Focus
The new law is aimed at protecting the Central American nation’s environment and natural resources. Approved on March 29 with the support of 69 lawmakers from multiple parties (out of a total of 84), the law blocks all exploration, extraction, and processing of metals, whether in open pits or underground. It also prohibits the use of toxic chemicals like cyanide and mercury.

Marching for Science: Interview with Rosalyn LaPier

Rosalyn LaPier, Drew Pendergrass Harvard Political Review
I would say that science plays many roles in society; it definitely plays many roles in a democratic society. It is impossible to be completely apolitical, but I think that science is nonpartisan. There really is a difference between being not partisan and being political.

Why a Right-Wing Think Tank is Trying to Destroy the Indian Child Welfare Act

Rebecca Clarren InvestigateWest
Cloaking its efforts in the language of civil rights, a right-wing think tank has launched a coordinated attack against the Indian Child Welfare Act, passed to protect Native American children from their forced removal from their families and tribes. The Goldwater Institute’s stated goal is to have the Supreme Court strike down the ICWA. But, tribal members say these efforts are also intended to undermine the legal foundation of Native American self-determination.

Bridging the Divide: Within Integrated Schools, De Facto Segregation Persists

Erica L. Green Baltimore Sun
Black students who were demonstrating an ability to perform at or above grade level were being placed in remedial courses, Foose said. Elementary school students were being excluded from screening for gifted and talented courses, losing their chance to get on the track for high-level courses through middle school.

Demobilizing America - A Nation Made by War and a Citizenry Unmade By It

Tom Engelhardt TomDispatch
As they launched their Global War on Terror after 9/11, top Bush administration officials remained obsessed with memories of the Vietnam mobilization. They were eager for wars in which there would be no prying journalists, no ugly body counts, and no body bags heading home to protesting citizens.

Despair Is Not an Option

Boston Review
In the latest episode of BR: A Political and Literary Podcast, Bernie Sanders talks to Archon Fung, Boston Review board member and Professor and Academic Dean at the Harvard Kennedy School, about his new book, 'Our Revolution,' the future of progressive politics, and what must be done to resist the Trump regime. An edited transcript of their conversation is below.