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Do Charles Darwin's Private Letters Contradict His Public Sexism?

Danuta Kean The Guardian
Today is Darwin Day (Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809). A new book explores Darwin's public and private views on women. Apparently his views on women had not evolved as far as his views on the origin and development of life.

Turkey’s Top Kurdish Politician Faces 143 Years in Jail

Sibel Hurtas Al-Monitor
In April, Turkish voters will vote in a national referendum designed to deliver unprecedented power to President Recip Erdogan. Yet, the most articulate opponent of this “executive presidency” is in custody facing an indictment on “terrorism” and a 143-year jail term. And the trial of Selahattin Demirtas, Turkey’s premier Kurdish politician and leader of the progressive opposition to the increasingly authoritarian Erdogan won’t be held until after the referendum.

Local Progressives Continue Working Toward 'Political Revolution'

Richie Davis The Recorder
FCCPR, a grass-roots effort that morphed out of the Pioneer Valley for Bernie (Sanders) organization last summer, turned its emphasis from "get out the vote" to long-range issues. "We said, 'We'll stick together and work on issues long-term,'" said Cohen. Seven task forces have been meeting every couple of weeks to actively advance their seven areas of concern, including civil rights, education, electoral politics and workers' rights.

Spain: Podemos at the Crossroads

Denis Rogatyuk Green Left Weekly
The structure of Vistalegre II (citizens' assembly) is mainly focused on three major votes that will decide the party’s political makeup — the election of its 62-member, country-wide Citizens Assembly, the election of the General Secretary and adoption of four main documents that relate to party’s organisation, political orientation, ethics and gender equality.

Dakota Access Pipeline Fight May Open New Chapter of Indian-Federal Conflict

Gabrielle Gurley The American Prospect
The web of conflicts that has enveloped the Trump administration has ensnared the pipeline project, too. The Guardian has reported that Trump has invested in the company building the pipeline, and that Energy Transfer Partners' CEO Kelcy Warren contributed both to Trump's presidential campaign and the Republican National Committee.

Let's Get to Work

Erik Forman Jacobin
"Salting" built the early American labor movement -- and it can revive it today.

100+ Marches for Science, One Global Map

Lindzi Wessel Science magazine
The marches will be not just for scientists, but for “anyone who believes in empirical science,” the organizers emphasize on the March for Science web page. The demonstrations are meant to be a celebration of science, they say, as well as “a call to support and safeguard the scientific community.”

NYT: Unlike Russian Wars, US Wars ‘Promote Freedom and Democracy’

Adam Johnson Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Trump evokes America’s sins not to challenge them, but to apologize for those of the Russian president and, preemptively, his own. But to insist that the United States is, in fact, on a higher moral plane than Russia serves to legitimize our government’s crimes.