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Friday Nite Videos -- January 27, 2017

President Donald Trump's First Negotiation Was A Humiliation. Musical Internationalism | Groove in G. Radical Brownies. Russia Treason Arrest Seen as Tacit Corroboration of US Intel. Kellyanne Conway - SNL.

Tidbits - January 26, 2017 - Reader Comments: Standing Against Trump - Defending Immigrants and the Massive Women's March; How Big Were the Marches; The '60s-Years that Changed America-Carnegie Hall Festival; and more...

Reader Comments: Standing Against Trump - Defending Immigrants and the Massive Women's March; How Big Were the Marches - links to local stories; March Size and City Population - Who Had the Best Turnout?; Marching in Pensacola, Florida After the Hurricane; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn-The Rebel Girl; Announcements: Fighting Fascism-Remembering the Abraham Lincoln Brigade; The '60s-The Years that Changed America Carnegie Hall Festival; and more...

A New Deal to Save Europe

Yanis Varoufakis Project Syndicate
Until recently, any proposal to "save" Europe was regarded sympathetically, albeit with skepticism about its feasibility. Today, the skepticism is about whether Europe is worth saving. The European idea is being driven into retreat by the combined force of a denial, an insurgency, and a fallacy. progressives need to ask a straightforward question: Why is the European idea dying? The answers are clear: involuntary unemployment and involuntary intra-EU migration.

It Can Happen Here

David M. Kotz Dollars & Sense
The rise of a right-wing nationalist regime in the United States is now a realistic possibility.

If Progressives Want to Defeat Trump, They Must Win Back Workers

Les Leopold Common Dreams
It's not ok for corporations to pack up and leave. We should have some control over our economic lives and not leave all the crucial decisions to Wall Street and their corporate puppets. Trade deals are bad deals unless they enforce the highest health, safety, environmental and labor standards. The race to the bottom is real and must stop. We need to recapture the job outsourcing issue and rekindle the flames that ignited Occupy Wall Street and the Sanders campaign.

A Globalism of the 1%: Donald Trump Against the World The Birth of a New Nationalist World Order

John Feffer Tom Dispatch
This is a stunning piece of analysis on how Donald Trump will go to war with the planet (just as he essentially suggested he would in his America-First inaugural speech). John Feffer, author of the unforgettable new dystopian novel Splinterlands, the latest Dispatch Book, explores how President Trump plans to blow up the present world order and give birth to a new kind of internationalism led by a global confederacy of oligarchs. (Tom Engelhardt)

Pink Versus Red: Women March on an Edgy Washington

Ruth Conniff The Progressive
While the largest protest in Washington history was going on, a few miles away, Trump was making news with an appearance at CIA headquarters. He used the occasion to attack the press for accurately reporting on the low turnout at his Inauguration, and to deny his own public statements criticizing the intelligence agency. We are in uncharted territory. America is on edge. In the streets and in the White House, people are itching for a fight.

The President's House Is Empty

Bonnie Honig Boston Review
In November Donald Trump announced that his family will not live in the White House when he is inaugurated. Trump's announcement has implications for all of us. Who will pay for the security required for Trump's New York-based family? Who will bear the costs of the disruptions caused by frequent presidential flights to and from New York, not to mention the motorcades in and out of midtown Manhattan? The answer is: taxpayers or, as we used to be called, the public.