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People with Mental Illness are 16 Times More Likely to Be Killed During a Police Encounter

Amy Goodman, John Snook
Before this year, we basically weren’t even able to really provide a very effective number of how many people with mental illness were killed by law enforcement officers. We know, across the country, that people with a mental illness are languishing in jails and emergency rooms, because we simply don’t have enough hospital beds for them.

Trump's Tax Plan: Who Benefits?

Citizens for Tax Justice
The analysis shows the wealthiest top 1 percent of taxpayers’ share of the tax cut would be 44 percent. Apparently Donald Trump just can't get enough tax breaks.

A Victory and A More Substantial Defeat for the Cruel Sham Known as "Right to Try"

Orac Respectful Insolence
These laws explicitly remove patient protections. Doctors recommending right-to-try can’t be sued for malpractice or disciplined by their state medical boards, seemingly no matter how inappropriate or incompetently executed such a request might be. Nor can drug manufacturers be sued. Basically, these laws tell terminally ill patients: Good luck. You’re on your own.

As In Flint: Government Fails to Protect East Chicago Residents

Joshua Schneyer and M.B. Pell Reuters
All 1,100 low-income residents in the West Calumet Housing Complex in the East Chicago, Indiana are being forced to move due to the high levels of lead. And many are outraged about why the dangerous soils weren't identified and removed earlier and why a branch of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had assured them they and their children were safe. Test results released in August show alarmingly high concentrations of lead on every street in the complex.

The Darker Legacy of Former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres

Haggai Matar +972 Magazine
Former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres was feted as a visionary man of peace, but his legacy is more complex and nefarious. He bears prime responsibility for the Oslo Accords, which created a Palestinian Authority without authority and enshrined Israeli control over all aspects of life in occupied Palestine. He launched the military operation that resulted in the Qana massacre of civilians in Lebanon, and sold nuclear weapons to the South African apartheid regime.

Being a Revolutionary in Cuba Today

Enrique Ubieta G¢mez Granma (Cuba)
Socialist democracy, essentially superior, still has a long way to go. Being revolutionary is participating with a perspective of committed criticism. Criticizing is not reporting a known fact; it is acting on it, pushing toward its solution... Radicalism in understanding and in action; the revolutionary seeks the root of a problem, even when it cannot be extirpated immediately, even when one errs in pointing it out and moves rapidly into action....

Recalculating the Climate Math

Bill McKibben New Republic
The numbers on global warming are even scarier than we thought. The future of humanity depends on math. And the numbers in a new study released Thursday are the most ominous yet.

Bernie Sanders: The `Nation' Interview

Katrina vanden Heuvel and John Nichols The Nation
In an exclusive post-primary sit-down, Senator Sanders speaks on Our Revolution, Donald Trump, and what he really thinks about Hillary Clinton. "I've got to do everything that I can to make sure that Trump does not become president."

Friday Nite Videos -- September 30, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Rips Wells Fargo's CEO A New One. Michael Franti | Good to Be Alive Today. Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards? 13th | Documentary.