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Dispatches From the Culture Wars

White nash fash in Houston; World Social Forum in Montreal; Indian eco power in Cannon Ball; Armed sisters in Rojava; New debtors’ prison

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?

Jon Lee Anderson The New Yorker
Last week, the first tranche of those declassified documents was released. The documents revealed that White House and U.S. State Department officials were intimately aware of the Argentine military’s bloody nature, and that some were horrified by what they knew. Others, most notably Henry Kissinger, were not.

Beyond Social Movement Unionism

Sam Gindin Jacobin
Bringing together weak unions and weak social movements isn’t enough. We need a new kind of socialist party.

No Need to Build The Donald's Wall, It’s Built

Todd Miller TomDispatch
Although wall construction began during Bill Clinton’s administration, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) built most of the approximately 700 miles of fencing after the Secure Fence Act of 2006 was passed. The 2006 wall-building project was expected to be so environmentally destructive that homeland security chief Michael Chertoff waived 37 environmental and cultural laws in the name of national security.

Temp Organizing Gets Big Boost from NLRB

Harris Freeman and George Gonos Labor Notes
The new joint-employer standard provides a much more favorable legal framework for workers to form unions at temped-out warehouses, manufacturing and food processing plants, recycling facilities, hotels, and franchised janitorial services and fast food outlets.

Mass Surveillance Isn’t Colorblind

Sandra Fulton Foreign Policy in Focus
Government spying is a problem for everyone. But people of color, religious minorities, and political dissidents are far more likely to be victims of unwarranted monitoring.

Our Revolution is Just Getting Started

Peter Olney and Rand Wilson The Stansbury Forum
Now that the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia has ended with Hillary Clinton as the party’s nominee, Bernie Sanders’ campaign for “political revolution” moves to its next phase.