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'History is Watching': Dan Rather Rips Trump in Epic Facebook Rant; Challenges Colleagues: "This Cannot Be Treated As Just Another Outrageous Moment in the Campaign"

Dan Rather Dan Rather's Facebook page
"History is watching: - former CBS News anchor Dan Rather on Facebook rips Donald Trump's veiled assassination threat against his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. Trump in a bid to his followers, who also oppose gun control, said his "Second Amendment people" might be able to stop Hillary Clinton's appointment of Supreme Court justices. This is a new level of the GOP's war on women, where the right has fueled attacks on women and the murder of abortion providers.

"Y'all Take it From Here:" Delegates from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Champion the Movement for Black Lives Lives

Black Lives Matter BlackLivesMatter
The reason for today's powerful and persistent insistence that Black lives matter is based on the irrefutable evidence throughout American history that Black lives have never mattered. Black lives that were enslaved for 250 years never much mattered beyond the kind of economic concern held for livestock. Black lives that suffered a hundred years of brutal segregation and discrimination following slavery's abolition never mattered until Black people raised their voices...

At Freedom Square, the Revolution Lives in Brave Relationships

Kristiana Rae Col¢n; Alice Kim Truthout
If, as Cornel West says, 'justice is what love looks like in public,' then Freedom Square is an embodiment of practicing justice....With grace, imagination and courage, Freedom Square offers a glimpse into a new future and is boldly showing the world how to make Black lives matter.

Drugs, Wars, and Capitalisms

Joshua Frens-String and Alejandro Velasco NACLA
NACLA's editors introduce the latest print issue of the NACLA Report on the Americas - Currency of Death: Unraveling the Political Economy of the Drug Wars.