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Trump on Immigrants and Health Care Costs: Just Plain Wrong

Leah Zallman, Steffie Woolhandler Common Dreams
While unauthorized immigrants contribute billions in taxes, they use shockingly little health care. Most of the federal health programs they help pay for (like Medicare, Medicaid and the ACA’s plans) exclude them. And those who pay for private coverage use very little care, so their premiums effectively subsidize other enrollees with private insurance.

Extinct Humans' DNA Is Helping Us Today

Emily Singer Quanta Magazine
Neanderthals and Denisovans may have supplied modern humans with genetic variants that let them thrive in new environments.

Why Paul Krugman Is Wrong About the 1990s

Rana Foroohar Time magazine
What is the true economic narrative about the 1990s? Was it a time of shared American prosperity brought on by smart policy? Or was it a time when the style of laissez-faire attitudes forged in the 1980s was co-opted by Democrats and began to create the growing inequality and periodic crises we’ve since become used to?

How About 100 Bernie Sanders?

Anoa Changa The Guardian
The passion around his presidential campaign can be channeled into transforming Congress. We’ll pool resources across the US to beat big money.

Friday Nite Videos -- May 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Email Emergency. Donald Trump Can NEVER Be President. Meet My Child: Parents of Transgender Kids Speak Out. Senator Bernie Sanders on Debating Trump. Weiner | Documentary Film.

How Far Is Europe Swinging to the Right?

Gregor Aisch, Adam Pearce and Bryant Rousseau New York Times
Across Europe, voters are turning to far-right parties, won over by nationalism, anti-immigrant hysteria and failed economic policies of austerity. In Germany, France, Poland, Hungary and Sweden, far right parties have made gains. Left political parties in these countries have not been as successful as those in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece.

Look at the Bank of North Dakota - It Soars Despite Oil Bust

Ellen Brown OpEd News
Despite North Dakota's collapsing oil market, its state-owned bank continues to report record profits. Farmers were losing their farms to Wall Street bankers. They organized, won an election and passed legislation to create a public bank. The Nonpartisan League's rise to power was fast and had a lasting impact on North Dakota. This article looks at what California, with fifty times North Dakota's population, could do following that state's lead.

As Brexit Approaches, Europe's Left Is Divided - and for Good Reason

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Can the EU still unite a continent shattered by world wars, or is it little more than a vehicle for austerity capitalism? Soon British voters will vote on Brexit - leaving the EU. Given the absence of a strong, continent-wide left, however, reversing the current economic rules of the EU may be a country-by-country battle. It's already underway - and for all of the economic power of the EU, the organization is vulnerable to charges that Brussels has sidelined democracy.