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The Brazilian Coup's Image Problem

Gianpaolo Baiocchi Boston Review
Romero Jucá, recently appointed planning minister, was recorded saying: `We have to stop this shit. We have to change the government to be able to stop this bleeding - the corruption investigation. The motives and nature of the plot to remove Rousseff are apparent in the transcript of the phone conversation between Jucá - a ally of new president Michel Temer - and Sérgio Machado, former senator who until recently was president of the state oil company, Transpetro.

The Problem Keeping America From Being the Democracy It Should Be

Donna Edwards Cosmopolitan
The struggle for a more perfect union is the struggle for a union that welcomes all voices. As important as it was to elect a black president in 2008 and as it will be to elect a woman president in 2016, that is simply not good enough. We are neither post-racial nor post-gender. We must be honest about the depth of the problem in order to unloose the structural barriers that contribute to it -- the money, the process, the lineage. It may require some to step aside.

Millennials Lean Left, Like Sanders

Jim Norman Gallup
Gallup tracking polls of millennials in April show that Americans aged 20 to 36 favor Sanders over Trump and Clinton, and that this is true for many subgroups of millennials: women and men; whites, African Americans and Latinos, and people with every level of education.

It's Time To Acknowledge the Genocide of California's Indians

Benjamin Madley Los Angeles Times
Neither the U.S. government nor the state of California has acknowledged that the California Indian catastrophe fits the two-part legal definition of genocide set forth by the United Nations Genocide Convention in 1948.

Special to Portside: Austrian Election Report

Stan Nadel Portside
Half the voters in one of the richest and most successful countries in the world, one with one of the highest standards of living and one of the best social welfare systems-universal health insurance and a strong safety net - have turned against the parties that have brought them those benefits - and done so in favor of a far right wing party with Nazi party roots that has built its success on promoting fear of immigrants and possible future economic decline....

This Is What Insurgency Looks Like

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
The call to Break Free from Fossil Fuels envisioned "tens of thousands of people around the world rising up" to take back control of their own destiny; "sitting down" to "block the business of government and industry that threaten our future"; conducting "peaceful defense of our right to clean energy." That's just what happened.

Profile, Practices and Needs of California’s Domestic Work Employers

Saba Waheed, Lucero Herrera, Reyna Orellana, Blake Valenta UCLA Labor Center
Based on 501 randomly-dialed phone surveys throughout the state, this study provides demographic and household details, as well as an understanding of the employment practices and needs of domestic employers.