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'We wasted 40 years talking about nothing, doing nothing' : Pappe demolishes the peace process

Philip Weiss Mondoweiss
The ethnic cleansing of some 500 villages in 1948 was followed by the ethnic cleansing of 36 Palestinian villages inside Israel between ‘48 and ‘56 and the creation of the Gaza Strip as a refugee camp for expelled Palestinians. From the early ’60s on an Israeli “lobby” of generals and politicians demanded that Israel also colonize the West Bank. David Ben-Gurion stood in the way but in 1964 he was expelled from the government and the lobby gained power.

Dr. Quentin Young, Doctor to Martin Luther King Jr. and Obama, Dies at 93

Sam Cholke DNAinfo Chicago
"From my adolescent years to the present, I've never wavered in my belief in humanity's ability - and our collective responsibility - to bring about a more just and equitable social order. I've always believed in humanity's potential to create a more caring society.

The Historians' Group of the Communist Party - Ten Years that Reshaped History

Gil Shohat Imperial & Global Forum
In late 1946 a group of historians, friends and members of the Communist Party started regularly meeting in Marx’s House in London. By means of discussion papers, presentations, and conferences it was sought to alter the way the British people perceived their own history.

Missing Portside Posts - Saturday and Sunday

Portside Moderator Portside
Portside's posts did not go out as scheduled Saturday and Sunday. Our service provider, May First, upgraded all of their servers Saturday, to prevent coordinated hacking and DOS - Denial of Service attacks. Unfortunately there were conflicts between the new server software and the software that Portside uses to send posts. We have identified the problem, and are now working to correct it. Below is an Index of the posts that were posted to our website over the weekend.

It Didn't Start with Stonewall

Peter Montgomery The American Prospect
A new history deepens our understanding of the origins of the gay rights movement and the transformation it has brought about.

Free College for All: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (Again)

Stephen Brier The Indypendent
The ideology and practice of neoliberalism, resulting in rising inequality and the imposition of austerity policies, brings us to the national debate about whether it is appropriate for public funds to underwrite the costs of public higher education or whether higher education is essentially to be seen as a private good and an individual (or familial) responsibility.

Why We Should Teach About the FBI’s War on the Civil Rights Movement

Ursula Wolfe-Rocca Zinn Education Project
On March 8, 1971—while Muhammad Ali was fighting Joe Frazier at Madison Square Garden, and as millions sat glued to their TVs watching the bout unfold—a group of peace activists broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, and stole every document they could find. These documents revealed an FBI conspiracy—known as COINTELPRO—to disrupt and destroy a wide range of protest groups, including the Black freedom movement.