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Five Facts to Know on Black Women's Equal Pay Day

Sarah Mirk Bitch Media Bitch Magazine
In April every year, that pesky gender wage gap jumps to front-page news again as we mark Equal Pay Day. The date signifies the day when American women, on average, have finally earned as much as the average white American man did the past year. Last week is an equally important and depressing milestone: Black Women’s Equal Pay Day.

Viet Nam a Half Century Later

David Swanson David Swanson blog
Jimmy Carter called war waged in Vietnam by the U.S -- a war that killed 60,000 Americans and 4,000,000 Vietnamese, without burning down a single U.S. town or forest -- "mutual" damage. Ronald Reagan called it a "noble" and "just cause." Barack Obama promotes the myth of widespread mistreatment of returning U.S. veterans, denounces the Vietnamese as "brutal," and has launched a 13-year, $65 million propaganda program to glorify what the Vietnamese call the American War.

Sessions LA: Building a Movement Through Music

Jackie Cornejo Dr. Pop
Sessions LA, which began organically out of an desire to introduce turntables to youth at SIPA’s afterschool program, is a DJing, music writing, digital music production and recording program aimed at youth ages 15-20 that live in and around downtown LA. Its core mission is to develop community, foster critical thinking and promote youth development through the process of creating music.

Meet the Faces of Eviction

Right to the City Right To The City
The housing crisis is not over. Millions of families today face unjust eviction and foreclosure.

Understanding ISIS and the New Global War on Terror

Phyllis Bennis Institute for Policy Studies
Phyllis Bennis' new book — the latest in her Middle East primer series — is on both ISIS and the new global war on terror. Like the earlier primers on Palestine and Afghanistan, the new book is written in a Frequently Asked Questions format -- great for use as an organizing tool..

An Angry Rap Video Is Roiling Indians Against Mercury Poisoning

Rama Lakshmi Washington Post
The rap song, sung by Sofia Ashraf, exhorts Unilever to clean up the toxic site of its abandoned mercury thermometer factory and compensate hundreds of its workers who have been exposed to mercury poisoning. The factory moved to India after it was shut down in Watertown, N.Y., in the early 1980s when concern over mercury in the Great Lakes was at its peak.

The Apache vs. Rio Tinto

Nick Kimbrell The Nation
The San Carlos tribe is fighting to block a massive mining project that would cut a two-mile wide crater through sacred land.

Black Lives Caught in the Cross Hairs of Injustice

Re:Sound -- Third Coast Festival / WBEZ radio
As the movement for racial justice spurred by the seemingly endless series of police killings of African Americans grows we are reminded that the issues are not new, they are endemic in U.S. history. What happens after the headlines subside? The truth has been buried too often, and for too long and there can be no justice until these stories are resurrected, scrubbed of their racist falsehoods. U.S. history needs to be put right.

The Kurdish Elephant

John Feffer, Foreign Policy in Focus
In their latest deal to fight ISIS, Washington and Turkey are treating the Middle East's largest stateless minority like pawns. That's a huge mistake.

We the People and our Patents

Shobita Parthasarathy The Conversation
An early expression of democracy, the US patent system is out of step with today’s citizens.