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Stand Up Now! Stand Up Now!! A Diggers Song

Peter Linebaugh Counterpunch
"The club is all their law, stand up now, stand up now, The club is all their law, stand up now. The club is all their law to keep men in awe, But they no vision saw to maintain such a law. Stand up now, Diggers all."

Syracuse to Drop Fossil Fuel Stocks From Endowment

John Schwartz New York Times
At $1.2 billion, Syracuse’s is the largest endowment to divest entirely of fossil fuel stocks.Katie McChesney, a campus divestment campaign organizer with the climate action group, said the successful student action showed that “if you want results, turn up the heat.”

Saudi Arabia's Airstrikes in Yemen Are Fuelling the Gulf's Fire

Patrick Cockburn The Independent
By leading a Sunni coalition Saudi Arabia will internationalise the Yemen conflict and emphasise its sectarian Sunni-Shia dimension. US policy across the Middle East looks contradictory. It is supporting Sunni powers and opposing Iranian allies in Yemen but doing the reverse in Iraq. Whatever happens in Iraq and Yemen, the political temperature of the region is getting hotter by the day.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty Will Help Neither Workers nor Consumers

Katrina vanden Heuvel The Washington Post
One product of the corporate-defined trade rules is that the United States has run unprecedented trade deficits, totaling more than $8 trillion since 2000 alone. Trade deficits cost jobs. Worse, companies have used the threat to move jobs abroad to drive down wages here at home. These corporate trade policies contribute significantly to the reality that, as Joseph Stiglitz writes, “the real median income of a full time male worker is lower now than it was 40 years ago."

Vermont About to Become a Hellish Place for People to Work in?

Michael Arria Alternet
Steve Howard, executive director of the VSEA, told NPR recently, “Before you take money out of the paychecks of snowplow drivers, nursing assistants, custodians and administrative assistants … we believe you have a moral obligation to ask for a greater contribution from a broad-based revenue source paid mostly by the wealthiest Vermonters who have had all the economic gains of the last decade.”

The Jewish Establishment Has Banned These Four Valiant Jews. Why?

Philip Weiss Mondoweiss
The four American Jews above are on a national campus tour. All in their 70s, they are veterans of the civil rights movement; they went south 50 years ago to help free our country from Jim Crow, risking their lives for equal rights.But they have been banned from speaking at Hillel, the Jewish campus organization, because they have come out in favor of Palestinian human rights.

The Jim Crow Holy Land

Phyllis Bennis Foreign Policy In Focus
Our own progress against racism in the United States remains too recent, too fragile, and too incomplete to go on abetting apartheid in Israel.

Moving Away From War in Ukraine

United for Peace and Justice
The Ukraine conflict has become a complex proxy war involving four of the world’s five original nuclear armed countries: the United States, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom. It’s time to step back from the brink.