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How Bolivia is Leading the Global Fight Against Climate Disaster

Richard Fidler Life on the Left
This year Bolivia is chairing the G77+China group of what are now 133 countries of the global South. The Morales government has used its position to feature the issues of climate change, sustainable development and “Living Well in harmony with Mother Earth.” These were prominent themes of Evo’s opening speech to the G77 summit in Santa Cruz in mid-June, which directly attributed climate crisis to “the anarchy of capitalist production.”

Ilan Pappe on Israel's 'post-Zionist moment'

Stephen Shenfield Mondoweiss
Ilan Pappe on Israel's 'post-Zionist moment' and the triumph of 'neo-Zionism'. A book review of Pappe's latest book, "The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge".

SRC Cancels Philadelphia Teachers' Contract

Kristen Graham and Martha Woodall
The Philadelphia School Reform Commission voted Monday to unilaterally cancel its teachers' contract. The Teachers Union has been in negotiations with the SRC since January 2013.

Boom & Bust in the City of Gold - Living & Leaving San Francisco

Carl Finamore Portside
The dramatic changes in the economic and social landscape of San Francisco has not gone unnoticed by some city officials, especially when confronted with continuing community pressure such as a the very lively and youthful Oct. 4 march through the Mission demanding an end to evictions.

As Wealthy Give Smaller Share of Income to Charity, Middle Class Digs Deeper

Alex Daniels The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The wealthiest Americans—those who earned $200,000 or more—reduced the share of income they gave to charity by 4.6 percent from 2006 to 2012. Meanwhile, Americans who earned less than $100,000 chipped in 4.5 percent more of their income during the same time period.

Crime Fiction and Political Activism: Where They Meet and How

Peter Handel Truthout
From the crime novel's mainstream inception in the early 20th century in the United States, numerous authors have explored a wide range of politically charged themes, including class distinctions, government corruption and the oppression of women and people of color.

California Pension Fund Gives the Boot to Hedge Funds

Dean Baker Al Jazeera America
Investment of public money needs transparency and accountability. The CalPERS decision to end hedge fund investments should be a clarion call for pensions to re-examine their relationship with these and other nontraditional investment instruments. Trillions of dollars of public money as well as the retirement security of millions of workers are at stake.

Here’s Everything Wrong with the White House’s War on the Islamic State

Peter Certo Foreign Policy in Focus
The Obama administration’s war plans in Iraq and Syria are illegal, ill-conceived, and destined to fail. With scarcely a whisper of serious debate, Obama has become the fourth consecutive U.S. president to launch a war in Iraq—and in fact has outdone his predecessors by spreading the war to Syria as well. Here’s everything wrong with the White House’s so-called War on the Islamic State. And here's what should be done instead.