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Millions-Strong March for Dignity Shakes Spain

Dick Nichols Green Left
Once the March for Dignity became public, it rapidly became clear that it was an initiative for which millions had been waiting. Endorsements of its manifesto rapidly multiplied and the popularity of the initiative forced the mainstream union confederations to give it their blessing. No to the payment of the debt; bread, shelter and work; and not one more service cut.

Racism Sin Vergüenza in the Venezuelan Counter-Revolution

Arlene Eisen
Corporate media both here and in Venezuela have largely succeeded in putting a democratic face on the racist, essentially fascist, movement in the streets of Venezuela. Traditionally anti-racist coalitions have ignored Venezuela. It is time we stand in solidarity with the majority of people in Venezuela.

The Case for Blunders

Freeman Dyson The New Yorker
The essential point of Livio’s book is to show the passionate pursuit of wrong theories as a part of the normal development of science. Science is not concerned only with things that we understand. The most exciting and creative parts of science are concerned with things that we are still struggling to understand. Wrong theories are not an impediment to the progress of science. They are a central part of the struggle.

Most Segregated Schools in the Nation: NY

John Kucsera Civil Rights Project
Public school students in the state are increasingly isolated by race and class as the proportion of minority and poor students continues to grow.

Complications with Kiev

Victor Grossman Portside
Just watching staid Angela Merkel and stout Sigmar Gabriel trying to straddle the crevice - figuratively speaking - was quite a sight, no easy matter for the chancellor or the vice-chancellor, who is also head of the Social Democratic Party (SPD).

The Skills Zombie

Economist Paul Krugman New York Times Blog
Yet the skills story just keeps showing up in supposedly informed discussion. Again, I think that this is because it sounds like the kind of thing serious people should say.

Rejecting TPP, AFL-CIO’s Trumka Calls for ‘Global New Deal’

Bruce Vail Working in These Times
"We have a choice, and we will choose between the world economy of today—with slow growth, high unemployment and obscene levels of inequality—and the world of tomorrow, of broadly shared prosperity. We will choose between a world of wealth for the 1%, with poverty for the rest of us, and a world in which all of us who work hard can enjoy the fruits of our labor."

The Minimum Wage Is a Fight for Women

Isaiah Poole
Despite decades of efforts on behalf of equal pay for women, women still earn on average 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. Legislation increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 would narrow that gap by 5 percent