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As Living Standards Fall for Seniors, Some See Signs of `Silver Revolution'

David Wallis New York Times
Whatever the reasons, several social scientists say deteriorating conditions for retirees and older Americans in general - intensifying fear about retirement security, age discrimination, increasing poverty among the elderly and new threats to cut programs for seniors - could be the impetus for what some are calling a "silver revolution."

REWIND - A Week of Quotes and Cartoons

Ending Poverty vs. Paul Ryan's Budget; Military Spending; Immigrant Workers; CIA Detentions, Guantanamo and now Spying on Congress; Beyond Capitalism; GM Recall; Tony Benn; Social Media and Drones...

Lawsuit Opposes 'Co-located' Private Schools

Leonie Haimson
The placement of private schools in public school space is overcrowding public schools and blocking efforts to reduce class size. A lawsuit spearheaded by NYC public school parents opposes such 'co-location.'

Tony Benn, Veteran Labour Politician, Dies Aged 88

Patrick Wintour and Rowena Mason The Guardian
Tony Benn served in the House of Commons and in Labor cabinets, but he was perhaps most influential after he resigned from Parliament. He wrote and campaigned in favor of genuine democracy tirelessly, and on other issues including against the invasion of Iraq.