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Organisms Do Evolve

Carin Bondar
A 'crazy dorky scientist' and Miley fan just couldn't resist making this 'Wrecking Ball' parody

Friday Nite Videos -- Jan 17, 2014

Playing for Change: I'd Rather Go Blind. Defending the Right to Protest. UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars. Organisms Do Evolve.

De Blasio's Election in Historical Perspective

Steve Fraser Portside
For now, Bill de Blasio is a populist hero of our times, at least for now. Is a revived Populism blowing in that wind? Maybe so. Signs of a change in the weather have been sprouting here and there. There was the occupation of the State House in Madison. And then there was the occupation of Wall Street. Mini uprisings of the most abused and intimidated workers at fast food outlets, car washes, even at Wal-mart register not so much desperation as bravery, a will to resist

GroKo Politics - No Change of Key

Victor Grossman, Berlin Bulletin No. 67 Portside
The wrangling between the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) had two main goals. In its election campaign the SPD had tried to sound leftish so as to keep or win back the votes of union members and at least some progressive voters. But now, to become part of a "grand coalition" government, it had to tone down such escapades and sooth the fears of big biz bosses.

Tidbits - January 16, 2014

Reader Comments - Kshama Sawant's election; The Vietnam Antiwar Movement; AFL-CIO's new road; Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA; Religious Freedom, or Reproductive Freedom; Israel Boycott Movement Controversy; Chris Christie; Bill de Blasio; Announcements - Chicago (Jan. 18); New York (Jan. 21, 24 and 30); Bay Area (Jan. 22) Today in History

An Apartheid Legal System Just Got Worse

Haaretz Editorial Haaretz (Israel)
Prohibition on Palestinian appeals to military court decisions confiscating their property embodies the essence of occupation. Returning the legal situation to the narrow province of military law harms the rights of the Palestinian residents, and the removal of judicial oversight for the proceedings against them allows these rights to be harmed arbitrarily, in violation of international law and the basic rules of justice.

When Martin Luther King Gave Up His Guns

By Mark Engler and Paul Engler Waging Nonviolence
It took years of political evolution for King to understand nonviolence not merely as a moral force, but as an effective strategy for leveraging political change. Yet his embrace of that idea allowed him to shape history.