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The Simpsons' Secret Formula: It's Written By Maths Geeks

Simon Singh The Guardian
When one of Britain's best-known science writers went to Los Angeles to meet the show's writers for a new book, he found a team dedicated to inserting gags about complex math problems. And you thought it was just a cartoon…

Reading Obama’s Iran Speech

Phyllis Bennis The Nation
The usual opponents—in Congress, in Israel and the pro-Israel lobbies—are already on the move, challenging the new opening.

Report Exposes Right-Wing Tag Team Plot Against Pensions

Isaiah J. Poole
Conservative activists are manufacturing the perception of a public pension crisis in order to both slash modest retiree benefits and preserve expensive corporate subsidies and tax breaks.

Friday Nite Videos -- September 27, 2013

John Lennon's Imagine -- official video. 'I Met the Walrus' -- Emmy-winning animation of John Lennon interview. Movie: Inequality for All. Outsourcing America. Ted Cruz: The Bore-ax. North Carolina Was Almost Hiroshima.