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The Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Israel

James Bamford The Nation
While US media fixated on Russian interference in the 2016 election, an Israeli secret agent’s campaign to influence the outcome went unreported.

A Big Miss on Drug Prices

David Dayen The American Prospect
President Biden’s NIH rejects a petition to seize the patent of an unaffordable prescription drug.

Dems and the Folly of Micromanaging the Trump Spectacle

Josh Marshall Talking Points Memo
What is going to stop ex-President Trump from returning to the White House is voters refusing to vote for him. Indictments and prosecutions can play a role in that inasmuch as they are the society communicating to itself what is okay and what is not. They can play a role in shaping public opinion but they are no replacement for an election.

Beyond Fatalism: Renewing Working-Class Politics

Sam Gindin Socialist Project: The Bullet
Working people never stopped fighting as neoliberalism was imposed. Bouts of resistance kept resurfacing, but remained localized and politically narrow. In the absence of structures that could give workers confidence in collective struggles, workers were left with survival tactics that came at great cost and unintentionally reproduced neoliberalism’s individualist ethos.

How Cigna Saves Millions

Patrick Rucker, Maya Miller and David Armstrong ProPublica
Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them