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The Great Slave Strike That Helped End Slavery

Mark A. Lause Jacobin
Today, on Presidents’ Day, we rightly celebrate Abraham Lincoln for helping end slavery. But we shouldn’t forget the unstoppable force that also brought down the Slave Power: the several million slaves who left the plantation, many of whom joined the Union Army.

Breaking Up (With China) Is Hard To Do

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
In the absence of more attention to the supply chain, the U.S. is becoming even more reliant on Beijing—and ‘friendshoring’ often increases that dependence.

Lessons From Majid Khan’s Release From Guantánamo

David Rosen The Progressive
An interview with the attorney for the former al Qaeda operative, who testified to the CIA’s ‘enhanced interrogation’ and more torture at the prison camp. That torture was a war crime that should have been—and should in the future be—prosecuted as a criminal act.

History Lessons for Antifascists

Helmut-Harry Loewen CounterPunch
A study of strategies that have shaped antifascist mobilizations over the past century, offers lessons for thinking about an “effective and long-term response to the loose coalition of forces that we saw at the Capitol … [an] entanglement that we will continue to see in the coming weeks and months.”

20 Years Ago, the World Said No to War

Phyllis Bennis Institute for Policy Studies
A look back at the history-making mobilization against the Iraq War that turned ordinary people into a “second superpower” — one we badly need today.

A Call for One-Party Authoritarian Rule

Matt Ford The New Republic
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s idea for America to “separate by red states and blue states” isn’t just dumb and harmless. It’s also a window into a dangerous vision that’s ascendent in the Republican Party.

To Imagine Is Human: An Evolutionary History

Andrey Vyshedskiy The Conversation
Imagination involves creating a mental image of something that is not present. Imagination is one of the key abilities that make us human. But where did it come from?