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Chemical Desolation in Appalachia

Jarod Facundo The American Prospect
Freight rail companies are running their trains ragged to boost profits. Sometimes they crash.

Can Oakland’s New Leaders Save Its Schools and Port?

Ken Epstein, Kitty Kelly Epstein Convergence
Candidates who pledged to make Oakland work for everyone swept the November elections. They face two huge hurdles to making that real: proposals to close more schools, and to build a stadium plus luxury housing at the Port of Oakland.

‘Perceptual Diversity’ Describes Who We Are

Oshan Jarow Vox
Every brain experiences reality differently. This census aims to help us understand how human diversity encompasses not only perception, but consciousness itself. See the link at the end of the article to participate in the census.

Vermont’s Largest Health Care Union Will Almost Double in Size

Kristen Fountain VTDigger
The Vermont Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, already the state’s largest affiliation representing some 2,500 health care workers, will roughly double in size by bringing 2,200 more support staff under representation.

War Fever

Eric Foner The Nation
The crusade against civil liberties during World War I.