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General Strike Threat Beats Ontario’s Anti-Worker Law

Peter Hoges Labor Notes
Ford’s stunning reversal wipes out his government’s ambitions to legislate away workers’ rights in the province. This could mark the beginning of a rank-and-file driven renewal of Ontario’s labor movement.

Marxists Changed How We Understand History

Alfie Steer Jacobin
Marxist historians in Britain — like E. P. Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm — sparked a revolution in understanding the role of working people in making history. Their work is still fresh and vibrant today.

5 Store-Level Changes Driving the Starbucks Union

Aneurin Canham-Clyne Restaurant Dive
With bargaining organized and led by workers, Starbucks Workers United’s proposals often focus on specific changes to systems that workers interact with all day, every day.

Contest or Conquest?

Daniel Immerwahr Harpers Magazine
A provocative history of Indigenous America. How best to tell the story of oppressed peoples? By chronicling the hardships they’ve faced? Or by highlighting their triumphs over adversity?

After Floyd

Austin McCoy The Baffler
If you can’t rein in the police, you can’t save democracy