It would be tragic if Ukraine defeated Russian neo-imperialism only to yoke itself to Western neoliberalism. While being a Western economic colony is certainly better than being absorbed into a new Russian empire, neither outcome is worthy of the suffering Ukrainians are now enduring.
Is it possible that the people of these rural communities, under the stress of a broken health care system, can spark a movement to fix health care for the nation?
On Nov. 8, Kentucky will vote on a constitutional amendment which, if approved, would eliminate the right to abortion in Kentucky's Constitution. The proposed amendment was approved last year by the Republican-controlled Kentucky General Assembly.
Railroad workers bargaining for better pay and working conditions are at an impasse with their employers, causing the federal government to intervene to ward off a disruptive strike. But railworkers should be allowed to strike if and when they want to.
To avoid the energy catastrophe and reverse the huge loss in living standards already under way, we need to take over the fossil fuel companies and phase out their production with increased investment in renewables, to reduce fuel prices for households and small businesses.
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