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Feminism Hasn’t Failed. Here’s the Evidence.

Rebecca Solnit Guardian
You can take away a right through legal means, but it is harder to take away the belief in that right. The uproar over the court’s hideous abortion decision is a reminder of how unpopular it is.

U.S. Elections: The End of Majority Rule

Steven Hill LA Progressive
The US, which has been teetering on the edge of a cliff for some time, is now starting to tip into an abyss of "minority rule medievalism.”

When the Fourth of July Was a Black Holiday

Ethan J. Kytle, Blain Roberts The Atlantic
After the Civil War, African Americans in the South transformed Independence Day into a celebration of their newly won freedom.

The Media Celebrated Julian Assange and Is Now Too Afraid To Defend Him

Patrick Cockburn CounterPunch
When WikiLeaks first released its hoard of documents, extracts were published in The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Le Monde and El País. None of these has campaigned for Assange’s freedom, though if he did anything wrong, so did they.