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Why Ukraine Matters for the Left

Matthew Duss The New Republic
Opposition to U.S. adventurism is principled. But this is Putin’s adventurism, and the left must stand firmly against it....Supporting the defense of Ukraine is the right thing for the global left to do. Even if our own government is doing it.

The Problem Is the Guns. The Guns. The Guns. The Guns.

Chuck Idelson Common Dreams
It's not school security or mental illness or anything else—it’s just guns. President Biden said on the night of the Uvalde massacre, "when we passed the assault weapons ban, mass shootings went down. When the law expired, mass shootings tripled."

Russian ‘Left’ Split Over Ukraine War

Ilya Budraitkis Le Monde diplomatique
Under Vladimir Putin, Russia’s Communist Party has been a tame opposition kept on a tight leash. With a few brave exceptions, the party has eagerly supported the war in Ukraine.

How the Newest Federal Prison Became One of the Deadliest

Christie Thompson and Joseph Shapiro NPR
Officials claimed that opening Thomson would make federal prisons safer by relieving dangerous overcrowding. But an investigation by The Marshall Project and NPR found that the newest U.S. penitentiary has quickly become one of the deadliest, with five suspected homicides and two alleged suicides since 2019.