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Supreme Court: Concealed Carry May Be Next

Michael Waldman Brennan Center for Justice
It's not only on abortion that the justices’ understanding of the Constitution is at odds with respect for the rights of citizens. They're about to rule on a big Second Amendment case as well.

Friday Nite Videos | May 13, 2022

George Carlin on Abortion and 'The Sanctity of Life.' Hakeem Jeffries Dismantles Clarence Thomas. Waterman | Documentary w/ Jason Mamoa. A Picture of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole. Abortion Ruling | John Oliver.

The Devastating Economic Impacts of an Abortion Ban

Sheelah Kolhatkar The New Yorker
The legalization of abortion, had dramatic effects on the ages at which and the circumstances under which women became mothers. It reduced the number of teen-age mothers by a third, and that of women who got married as teen-agers by a fifth.