Why has no progress been made on an international financial registry that would help locate oligarch's assets? One simple reason: wealthy westerners don’t want one
Biden’s nominee had publicly encouraged measures to mitigate climate change, including a transition to cleaner energy, which triggered a backlash from America’s powerful oil, gas, and coal industries.
High prices of homes and rental apartments have very little to do with today’s general inflation, but reflect decades of perverse policies that hurt both renters and aspiring homeowners.
There are a lot of root causes to Puerto Rico’s debt. But one overarching part of this narrative is the fact that Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States since 1898.
The state’s assault on public education includes a charter school real estate grab, a partnership with a fundamentalist Christian private college, and a potential statewide voucher program.
The worst possible outcome seems to be playing out. The current developments in Eastern Europe have at least six medium- to long-term geopolitical consequences — all of which are deeply worrying.
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