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A Letter to the Western Left From Kyiv

Taras Bilous Open Democracy
This article is about the part of the Western Left that imagined ‘NATO aggression in Ukraine,’ and who could not see Russian aggression.

Friday Nite Videos | February 4, 2022

Ukraine War Exposes Racial Disparities in Refugee Treatment. Roger Stone Bolts 'Insurrection Headquarters.' The Drug for Conservatives Who Want to Forget They Praised Putin. How Russian State Media Portray the War. Bernie on Putin and the Oligarchs.

Never Again — Not for Anyone, Not Just the Jews

Leta Hirschmann-Levy Mondoweiss
The first time I was called a “self-hating Jew” was almost 15 years ago by someone I considered a close friend. It stung and I felt confused. 15 years later I have never felt stronger in my stance as a self-loving anti-Zionist Jew.

Thousands of Russian Artists Denounce Invasion in Open Letter

Elaine Velie Hyperallergic
More than 17,000 artists and cultural workers sounded the message: “No to War!”..."it is important to say that further escalation of the war will result in irreversible consequences for workers in culture and the arts.”