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Portside Message: Our Vision for 2022

The threat to the survival of our democracy is clear: a would-be dictator and a cultist political party. A truly multiracial, inclusive, radical democratic movement that has a vision beyond capitalism is key. You can help. Here's how.

Progressives Sweep 2021 Municipal Elections Across Georgia

Steven Rosenfeld Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute
The grassroots organizing strategy that led to historic victories in 2020’s elections continued to boost voter turnout in communities of color.

Anatomy of the Texas Gerrymander

Michael Li and Julia Boland Brennan Center for Justice
Here’s how Texas Republicans crafted one of the most politically and racially skewed maps of this redistricting cycle.

Friday Nite Videos | December 10, 2021

Jordan Klepper vs. Anti-Vaxxers in SoCal. World Inequality Report 2022. Paper & Glue | Documentary. NDN Kars | Keith Secola. Snack Video Games | John Oliver.