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The New Science on How We Burn Calories

Kim Tingley New York Times
How the new science of metabolism could change our understanding about, for starters, chronic disease, aging and obesity

We're Going to Take on Big Pharma and Win

Alex Lawson and Alexandra Rojas Common Dreams
Any politician who puts Pharma profits before the needs of their constituents will lose their jobs. And they will deserve it.

Friday Nite Videos | Sept 17, 2021

10 Years Since Occupy: What Did We Learn? High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. 9/11 and My Immigrant Experience | Hasan Minhaj. The War in Afghanistan: What Else Should We Never Forget? My Name Is Pauli Murray | Movie.

The War on Terror Was Corrupt From the Start

Farah Stockman New York Times
The war in Afghanistan wasn’t a failure. It was a massive success — for those who made a fortune off it. Instead of a nation, what we really built were more than 500 military bases — and the personal fortunes of the people who supplied them.