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Deep Mind's AI for Protein Structure Is Coming to the Masses

Ewen Callaway Nature
Machine-learning systems with far-reaching potential application in medicine, agriculture, materials science and more from Google sister-company DeepMind and from a rival academic group are now open source and freely accessible.

Texas Republicans Can't Handle the Truth About the Alamo

Jason Stanford Washington Post
Texas conservatives are so exercised about the possibility of students learning more about slavery and racism that Governor Abbott has added discussion about a ban on the teaching of critical race theory to the special legislative session.

Friday Nite Videos | July 23, 2021

How Pegasus Spyware Was Found on Jamal Khashoggi's Fiancée's Phone. Flashmob at the Odéon (Paris). How Big Pharma Fueled the Opioid Crisis That Killed 500,000. MAGA Crime Spree: Count Up to 12 Indictments. The Decline of the Death Penalty.

Tidbits - July 22, 2021 - Reader Comments: GOP Wants Wolves to Investigate Themselves; COVID Re-Do; Cuba; Portside's Israel coverage; Space travel; Boycott Pepsico - Support Frito-Lay Workers; Afghanistan; Medicare; Medicare for All; more....

Reader Comments: GOP Wants Wolves to Investigate Themselves; COVID Re-Do; Cuba; Ethel Rosenberg's Murder; Portside's Israel coverage; Space travel; Boycott Pepsico - Support Frito-Lay Workers; Afghanistan; Medicare; Medicare for All; more....

Culture War in the Classroom

Leo Casey Dissent
It is time for educators to go on the offensive against the conservative campaign to ban “critical race theory” from schools. The story of American democracy cannot be told without according a central role to the Black freedom struggle.