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The Economics of Irreconcilability

Joyce Mao Positions Politics
The new cold war resounds with echoes of the old one, including geopolitical maneuvering and proprietary competition over technological innovations.

Against Left-Wing White Nationalism

Gerald Horne Organizing Upgrade
When reality does not correspond to the facts on the ground, the U.S. left often responds like the fictional French intellectual who maunders: “I know what you are saying is true in fact, the question is—‘is it true in theory?’”

A Sound Supreme

John Fordham The Guardian
John Coltrane learned his trade with Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie and Thelonious Monk - and eventually outshone them all. John Fordham celebrates the great saxophonist.

Chile is Reborn by a (Political) Earthquake that Emerged from the Streets

Patricio Zamorano Council on Hemispheric Affairs
What happened on May 15-16 in Chile has the air of the refounding of an entire nation. It means the end of traditional party politics and the establishment of collectives focused on the environment, gender equality, on local issues and other sectors.