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Earth Day to May Day Point to a New America

Ben Manski and Peter Knowlton Common Dreams
"By 2030 we will be on our way to a global economy that provides a good life for all on a living planet," states the Declaration of the 2020's. "Or we will be on an irreversible path to global misery through ecological collapse."

May Day 1971 Was a Day Against War

Steve Early Jacobin
Fifty years ago today, on May Day 1971, thousands of antiwar protesters descended on Washington, DC, to protest the Vietnam War. The ensuing three days of disruptive actions directly confronted the Nixon administration — and resulted in the largest

Gabriel García Márquez and Magical Internationalism

Laura Capote People's Dispatch
García Márquez was a pilgrim of the world. His passion to know the truth, that age-old fetish of journalists, led him to travel and engage with the reality of the different people that he met.

Friday Nite Videos | April 30, 2021

Which Side Are You On? Ani Difranco on Mountain Stage. How Rich Countries Are Making the Pandemic Last Longer. Bernie Sanders on Senators Who Spread 'The Big Lie'. The Present | Movie. Jamaal Bowman Delivers Progressive Response to Biden Address.