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After the Spring

Toufic Haddad Red Pepper
Despite the carnage of contemporary Syria and Libya, and the ruinous stalemate of Yemen, the euphoric appeal of what was once described as the ‘Arab Spring’ continues to feed revolutionary processes across the region.

The Big Lie

Eli Zaretsky London Review of Books
Hitler defined the Big Lie as an untruth so colossal that people ‘would not believe that others could distort the truth so infamously’. Trump’s claim that he won the election ‘in a landslide’ and victory was stolen from him is a lie of this sort.

Will Impunity Reign or Will International Criminal Justice Come for Israel?

Jonathan Kuttab Arab Center Washington DC
The International Criminal Court, in the Hague, Netherlands.
On February 5, the International Criminal Court removed one more barrier to holding Israel accountable for its violations of international law. Will its investigation restrain the Israeli government from future crimes against the Palestinian people?

The Deep Rot of the Massachusetts Democratic Party

Daniel Boguslaw The New Republic
The Bay State’s deep-blue reputation obscures a cynical political establishment that’s more interested in accruing power than in advancing progressive policies.

A New Civil Rights Movement, a New Journal

Geoffrey Jacques jstor
Freedomways, the African American journal of politics and culture chronicled the civil rights and Black freedom movements starting in the early 1960s.

Friday Nite Videos | February 19, 2021

Tucker Carlson Plays Jeopardy With Himself. Max Roach and Abbey Lincoln | Driva Man. The Next Pandemic. The Ugly Truth Behind the Will Ferrell G.M. Super Bowl Commercial. Vaccine Side Effects Are Actually a Good Thing.