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The Most Important Climate Ballot Initiatives to Watch on Election Day

Dharna Noor Earther/Gizmodo
Rideshare Drivers United caravanned from San Diego to Uber’s San Francisco headquarters to protest Proposition 22.
This election is full of existential choices from President to crucial races for the Senate and House. There are also a number of important state and local ballot initiatives and referendums that will influence our ability to preserve the biosphere.

How Can Socialists Help Stop Trump?

Eric Blanc and Leo Panitch Socialist Project
Eric Blanc interviews Leo Panitch about the upcoming presidential election in the US.

How Workers Can Help Defeat a Trump Coup

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
Donald Trump, desperately behind in the polls, appears to be laying the groundwork for illegally attempting to remain in office if he loses the election. This commentary focuses in on the role of workers—union and nonunion—in resisting a Trump Coup.

Friday Nite Videos | October 30, 2020

AOC/Sunrise Movement | 'Let This Moment Radicalize You'. Jack Black | "Time Warp". Yes We Care. The Love | Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson. "This Joy" | The Resistance Revival Chorus.