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Tidbits - June 11, 2020 - Reader Comments: Military Command Responds to Trump; 2020 - Will Trump Go? Can Biden Win?; Police, Community Control, #DefundPolice, George Floyd; Police and Labor; Nobel Prize for Cuban Medical Brigades;;....more

Reader Comments: Military Command Responds to Trump; 2020 - Will Trump Go? Can Biden Win?; Police, Community Control, #DefundPolice, George Floyd; Police and Labor; Nobel Prize for Cuban Medical Brigades; Resources; Announcements; Cartoons;....more

America's True Patriots

Tom Conway United Steelworkers
When demonstrations erupted across the country after George Floyd's death at the hands of police officers, Donald Trump portrayed the protesters as America's enemies. But the protesters posed no threat. They're the nation's true patriots.

How White Crime Writers Justified Police Brutality

John Fram New York Times
We don't need any more novels or TV shows about cops who do the wrong thing for the "right" reason. Early crime fiction, to its credit, often viewed law enforcement with skepticism. This started to change in the 1950s.

What Black America Means to Europe

Gary Younge New York Review of Books
Many have attempted to claim that `things are better here' for black people than in the US. This ignores both Europe's colonial past and its own racist present.