As San Francisco’s top prosecutor for eight years, Hallinan hired women, minorities, gays and lesbians in unprecedented numbers, sought alternatives to prosecution for nonviolent crimes and declined to seek the death penalty for any capital case
To pay off fines and other debts, inmates in Mississippi’s little-known restitution centers must work grueling low-wage jobs, pay rent and endure strip searches. Caught between prison and freedom, they often don’t know when they’ll get to go home.
It is becoming conventional wisdom that US President Donald Trump will be tough to beat in November, because, whatever reservations about him voters may have, he has been good for the American economy. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Parnas Implicates Trump & Co. in Ukraine Crimes, and He Has Receipts. Sam Cooke | A Change Is Gonna Come. Why Australia's Fires Are Linked to Floods in Africa. Just Mercy | Movie. Debunking Anti-Vaxxers.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reshaped her party’s agenda, resuscitated Bernie Sanders’s campaign, is harnessing her immense star power and the legion of young lefties, to push the Democratic Party away from an obsession with its most moderate members..
Warren is a “visionary implementer.” When she defeats President Donald Trump, it would mean an economic populist defeated a corrupt plutocrat, a woman defeated America’s most famous misogynist. one of two cover stories of dual-sided January issue.
The possibilities of an “organizer-in-chief.” Sanders is the only presidential candidate who has put forward a genuine Green New Deal, to radically remake the economy to serve ordinary people. One of two cover stories of our dual-sided January issue
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