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Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of 'Made in the USA' Corruption

Nicolas J S Davies OpenDemocracy
An Iraqi anti-government protest.
With massive protests embroiling Iraq, Western media casts Iran as the chief foreign player in Iraq today. While Iran is one of the targets of the protests, most of those ruling Iraq now remain former exiles the US flew in with its occupation forces.

A Canadian Mining Company Intensifies a Culture War in Oaxaca

Samantha Demby NACLA
Protest against Fortuna Silver Mines.
Local Oaxacan representatives accuse Fortuna Silver Mines, a Canadian corporation, of appropriating their culture to whitewash a record of environmental crimes and incitement to violence that has killed local activists and divided their communities.

Dreamers With Shovels

Nelson Lichtenstein American Prospect
How the first New Deal remade America

Limited Eating Times: A New Way to Fight Obesity and Diabetes

Satchin Panda and Pam Taub The Conversation
Healthy people can adopt Time Restricted Eating (TRE), independent of diet and exercise, to reduce their risk for metabolic diseases. A new study suggests it is also an effective treatment for people with obesity or diabetes.

General Strike in France Challenges Macron

Adam Nossiter New York Times
Thursday’s protests completed the circle of anger against Mr. Macron begun last year by the Yellow Vests. This time, it was the unionized employed — teachers, hospital workers, some civil servants — who came out.

Bloomberg TV Interview: Exactly Who You Feared

Zeeshan Aleem Vox
That Bloomberg’s comments on his stop-and-frisk policies are so easy to demonstrate as false suggests he either wasn’t prepared to handle the question or that he doesn’t care about the truth

Friday Nite Videos | December 6, 2019

Why Billionaires Won’t Save Us. GIULIANI! (Here He Goes Again). Pete Buttigieg and the Republican Lie. Youth Climate Strike Leader Endorses Bernie. Who Is Worse: Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell?