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California Opens the Public Banking Floodgates

Aaron Fernando The Progressive
The question at the heart of public banking may seem technical but is actually about political power. Public banking shifts power away from profit-motivated board members of corporate banks and into the hands of the people.

Fire and Fury in the Chilean “Oasis”

Noam Titelman Nacla
On October 7 a group of middle school students organized a massive fare evasion at the Santiago metro to protest a price increase. Over the next five days it sparked an uprising, a widespread fury unprecedented in contemporary Chilean history.

Deep Sleep Gives Your Brain a Deep Clean

Simon Makin Scientific American
New findings about sleep have implications for understanding the relations between sleep disturbance and psychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions, and may even point to new approaches to diagnosis and treatment

Elizabeth Warren's Medicare for All Plan

David Dayan The American Prospect
The deeply detailed proposal includes no new taxes on the middle class. It cuts health care costs and finds other revenues, saving ordinary Americans $11 trillion in premiums and deductibles

Friday Nite Videos | November 1, 2019

Nancy Pelosi With Stephen Colbert. Jack White Live at Bernie Sanders' Detroit Rally. Rep. Katie Porter Grills Mark Zuckerberg. The Man Who Corrected Einstein. Andy Borowitz: The Life-Changing Magic of Impeaching Trump.

Tidbits - Oct. 31, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment; GOP Stunt; Witches; Medicare for All; Chile; Trade Unions; #MeToo, NBC; Help Houston Firefighters; New Social Contract for Workers; Announcements: Washington, DC, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles...

Reader Comments: Impeachment; GOP Stunt; Witches; Medicare for All; Chile; Trade Unions; #MeToo, NBC; Houston Firefighters Need Your Help; New Social Contract for Workers National Tour; Announcements: Washington, DC, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles..


Roberta Schine Portside
My work as an immigrant rights activist helping asylum seekers and targeted immigrants. We help them prepare for — and we accompany them to — their deportation, detention and asylum hearings. The current success rate for asylum cases is 2%.

The White House’s Godfather Fantasy

Jonathan Chait New York Magazine
If the Trumps are the Corleones, that makes us the marks. ILike a crime boss, Trump has emphasized loyalty above all other qualities, and his management style reflects a justifiable fear of betrayal by his subordinates.

Warren, 2020, and the Road to Structural Change

Rishi Awatramani interview with Maurice (Moe) Mitchell Organizing Upgrade
Maurice (Moe) Mitchell, the National Director of the Working Families Party (WFP), talks about their recent endorsement of Elizabeth Warren, what the WFP will being doing between now and election day, and the path toward structural change.