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Being a Mexican Migrant Worker and Female: A Recipe for Double Discrimination

Emilio Godoy Equal Times
The Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. (CDM – Migrant Rights Centre), accuses Canada of discrimination in hiring and the allocation of work, the general exclusion of women from the temporary work programmes and the failure to ensure compliance with laws against discrimination in employment.

Teamsters Endorse Clinton

Tim Devaney The Hill
The 1.4 million International Brotherhood of Teamsters has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. This was a blow to Donald Trump who had campaigned for their endorsement.

Temp Organizing Gets Big Boost from NLRB

Harris Freeman and George Gonos Labor Notes
Thanks to a National Labor Relations Board decision, workers employed by temporary staffing agencies may find it easier to organize and bargain.

The Other Big Election

Joe Allen Jacobin
The upcoming Teamsters election is a chance to unseat James P. Hoffa and reverse the union's managed decline.

Socialists Should Aspire Beyond Labour’s Post-War Consensus

Matt Widowson Morning Star
By all means, look to the past. Learn and be inspired, but do not try to turn the clock back. The ultimate aim of socialism should be the abolition of capitalism — anything less than this is reformism in the service of capital. Socialists may disagree about the pace of transition, or the means of enacting revolutionary change — but their ultimate aim must be the end of capitalism.

Race and Beyond: Why Black Women’s Equal Pay Day Matters

Gabrielle Bozarth and Naomi Kellogg Center for American Progress
"Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, which observes the amount of time it takes the average black woman to earn the same pay that the average white man earns in one calendar year." Black women only make 60 percent of what white male counterparts make. This is a clear example of the importance of race and gender in determining salary.

U.S. Labor Board: Graduate Students at Private Colleges Can Unionize

Robert Iafolla Reuters
The National Labor Relations Board's decision on Columbia University graduate students seeking to unionize only applies to private colleges. Organizing rights for graduate students at public colleges depend on each state's labor laws. Graduate students have formed unions in more than a dozen states.

California’s $15 Minimum Wage Earthquake!

Martin J. Bennett BeyondChron
The California minimum wage earthquake is shaking up state and national politics. There is a powerful lesson from the $15 minimum-wage campaign: only a grassroots movement from below based upon a bold vision for structural reform can change public opinion and pressure government to act.