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Elder Care Homes Rake in Profits as Workers Earn a Pittance

Jennifer Gollan Associated Press
Residential senior care homes profit handsomely by paying their workers poverty wages. The profit margins can be huge and, for violators of labor laws, hinge on the widespread exploitation of thousands of caretakers, many of them poor

Sara Nelson: “People Are Ready to Fight”

Sara Nelson Jacobin
On May 10, 2019, Assoc. of Flight Attendants president Sara Nelson gave a speech to the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America’s annual Eugene Debs–Lucy Gonzalez Parsons–A. Philip Randolph Dinner. Here is the speech, lightly edited for publication.

Sara Nelson: “People Are Ready to Fight”

Sara Nelson Jacobin
On May 10, 2019, Assoc. of Flight Attendants president Sara Nelson gave a speech to the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America’s annual Eugene Debs–Lucy Gonzalez Parsons–A. Philip Randolph Dinner. Here is the speech, lightly edited for publication.

The 1919 General Strike Was a Battle for Winnipeg’s Soul

Allan Levine The Globe and Mail
The General Strike in Winnipeg, Canada was “one of the greatest ruptures between the workers and the upper classes in the history of commercial society (second only to the Paris Commune of 1871),” according to Brandon University professors Reinhold

Dan Clawson, Presente!

Barbara Madeloni Labor Notes
Dan Clawson, who passed away on May 7, will be remembered fondly as a tireless organizer and strategic thinker who was always inviting activists into the labor movement.